Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Reading Kick-off Event Recap

 Pictured here we have Mary-Jo Maichack rocking out with the kids for our summer reading kick-off event, which was held on June 19th.  Mary-Jo had the children and adults alike singing and dancing along with her musical story-telling.

Our summer reading theme this year is "Dream Big: Read!" and "Own the Night!".  Mary-Jo tailored her stories for the evening to fit our themes, with a song about a baby who didn't want to go to bed, a story about a thief who became part of the Milky Way, a story about a prince who wanted to touch the stars, and more.

Snacks were served, and everyone who attended got a summer reading goodie bag from the library.  Don't worry, though, you can still grab your own in the Graham Room by coming in and signing up to be a part of our summer reading program.  It's free, and you can win prizes just by reading books!

Below you can find more pictures of the event.  Click on any picture to see a larger version.

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