Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blue Moon Raptors event was held Monday night to a captive audience of children and adults. The gasp from the audience when Rose took out the first Eastern Screech Owl was amazing.  Rose Crisci gave an outstanding presentation about birds of prey.  The audience was held captive for an hour as Rose presented Cedar, Ash, Onyx and Aviana.  Rose gave an incredible presentation. She is very knowledgeable about the reptors and her passion for rehabilitating them is clearly noted as she speaks to us and to the raptors. A terrific program and would welcome Rose and her raptors back anytime.Rose gave detailed information how the birds were injured and how she rehabilitates these birds of prey.
This program was offered free by Blue Moon Raptors. Rose will gladly accept donations to help defray her cost so she may continue her rehabilitation work with injured birds of prey.

Items needed
¨ Soft sided dog crate
¨ Zip lock freezer bags:  large/small
¨ Non-latex/latex gloves
¨ 9% saline solution
¨ Sterile solution
¨ Anti bacterial wipes
¨ Clorox wipes
¨ Hand sanitizer
¨ Stamps
¨ Cash donations also helps to feed/house birds
You may contact Rose at

Thank you to all who came.  Your support to library events is always appreciated. 

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